
I love where I work. Enjoy!

Sorry, no creemees today. by Michelle Jeffery
Sorry, no creemees today., a photo by Michelle Jeffery on Flickr.

Beansie’s bus is officially snowed in at the corner of Archibald and Intervale!


J and I stopped at Crossroads in Waterbury on our way to visit my folks for the weekend. While he filled up the gas tank I went inside for provisions. I ended up with this sad little maple creemee, and a matching, pastier-looking vanilla one for my honey. Even this was a feat, considering how the girl at the counter glared at me when I ordered them.

They were icy and pretty bad all-around, the cones were cracked as well. J gave the rest of his to our pup, who happily gobbled it down without the slightest critique.

But hey – at least they were only $.99 each. Do yourselves a favor, kids – if you find yourself in Waterbury, drive the extra half mile and go to Kelley’s downtown. Quality over convenience, people!

And the honor of the first creemee of 2012 goes to…Seb’s in South Hero!!! (cue applause).

To be honest it wasn’t really a pre-meditated choice: it’s summer-hot out, and we went for a bike, and the Blue Paddle Bistro, where we attempted to grab lunch, was closed until dinner.

I’ve never been to Seb’s, but have driven by a million times. It was hopping today! So much so that they couldn’t keep the bagged creemee mix in the machine long enough to properly cool, so it was too soft for cones. Which is fine; I ordered a small and had them split it in two dishes for J and me to share. I’m going to have to keep getting creative with moderating creemee consumption this summer if I want to keep off the 20+ pounds I’ve lost this year. That, or go for longer bike rides. 🙂



With record temperatures for late March this week, we are thinking about creemees much earlier than usual. Today we were trying to figure out how we might install a creemee window at the office, as Ty and Lesli demonstrate!

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An Abandoned Bridport Landmark


When I first moved to Vermont 10 years ago (!!!), my favorite creemee stand was a trailer of 22A in Bridport painted like a cow. The creemees were HUGE, and it had a deck surrounded by farmland, and combined with the whimsical paint job, what’s not to love? I tried stopping there to fuel up for a long drive to Washington, DC several years ago, but found that it was deserted (no pun intended).


We got to talking about the old place last week at work, and my friend Willie said that he had seen signs of construction there this summer, as if they were trying to renovate and reopen. He is taking a “staycation” this week and promised he’d investigate. I got the following email this morning: “Alas t’is still a disaster zone, with no relief in sight!”

Ah well. Maybe next summer? It would be the perfect thing after a hike up Snake Mountain!


(Photo courtesy Alison Tremblay via Flickr)Update

Categories Addison County

And the Daysies Go To…

This year’s Seven Days Daysie Award for Best Creemee Stand went to Burlington Bay Market and Cafe (inside Chittenden County) and Dairy Creme in Montpelier (outside Chittenden County). I whole-heartedly support both of these choices. Burlington Bay is delicious, scenic, convienent, adequately-sized and not too pricey considering the location, and now comes with a liquor store (I don’t really know how that’s related…but it seems important to note). Here’s a recent photo of my friend Blazey and me eating post-workout maple creemees in the rain (our gym happens to be about a hundred paces from Burlington Bay…danger! Danger!).


As a Burlingtonian I don’t get to Dairy Creme all that often – which is probably a good thing because I would be about a thousand pounds. It’s one of my favorite creemees of all time – they don’t melt as fast as other creemees. Although, I still don’t understand why when you order sprinkles they don’t roll the whole cone in them like most places do, but rather only “dunk” the top inch of creemee into the sprinkles, sort of smooshing down the pointy top and giving the cone a kind of sprinkle hat. The first time this happened to me I actually told the woman that she forgot to put on the rest of the sprinkles. I think she thought I was joking.

Anyway, sprinkle application aside, they are still awesome. Congratulations to both places!

Categories burlington